
Dinex Innovation Insights:

Dinex Double Swirl Inline Mixer​​​​​​​

Why Choose Dinex Double Swirl Inline Mixer?

A unique mixer-concept combining performance and design freedom

The Dinex Double Swirl Inline Mixer is compact, making it suitable for various applications and easy to integrate, whether within the engine bay, horizontal or vertical on the chassis. Its flexibility extends to accommodating different operating conditions and compatible dosing systems. Beyond packaging benefits, the mixer ensures excellent NH3 distribution, and demonstrates remarkable deposit resilience, even under challenging stationary conditions.

The Dinex double swirl inline mixer is…

Why choose Dinex double swirl inline mixer?

1. Modularity and Scalability

The mixer has been applied for a range of different applications, including on-road, stationary, and off-road, across a variety of diameters. For all applications the mixer is designed, tested and simulated using methodologies developed in-house.

The versatility of the mixer is created by tailoring each of the three design elements. Deposit performance is governed by the evaporation device, instigating swirl around the spray plume, pressure drop can be modulated by the transition from evaporation device to distribution module and finally, distribution can be adjusted in the distribution module. The optimum is found in balancing these three elements, illustrated here in an on-road application.

Multiple designs, validated in both
horizontal and vertical installations,
with multiple dosing systems:


All validated by Dinex extensive
simulation & testing program:

Perfomance prediction


Possibility to customize individual components of the mixer in order to achieve the optimal balance between all performance targets.

Why choose Dinex double swirl inline mixer?

2. NH3 Distribution

Ensuring NH3 distribution is crucial for future-proofing the technology. Distribution is quantified by a uniformity index, where a value
of 1 indicates ideal distribution. The left side illustrates the performance of a 9,5” dia. mixer.

High uniformity and good consistency between simulated & tested results.

Why choose Dinex double swirl inline mixer?

3. Deposit Resilience

Deposit testing can be conducted through various methods. On the left, we observe exemplary deposit screening results, short stationary tests, performed to see what amount of dosing can be achieved without accumulating deposits. On the right we see comparative results, illustrating how results can be improved through CFD simulation. In this case the results are from a long duration stationary testing. Deposit testing can also be performed in Dinex under transient or pseudo-transient conditions.

Deposit screening results presented in the form of the energy availability ratio – a measure of how efficiently the mixer utilizes the energy available in the gas stream – lower is better

Deposit screening results presented in the form of the energy availability ratio – a measure of how efficiently the mixer utilizes the energy available in the gas stream – lower is better

Dinex Double Swirl Inline Mixer Application Examples

The Dinex Double Swirl Inline Mixer has remarkable versatility, making it appealing for on-road applications where rapid market entry and cost efficiency are dominant. Its modularity and deposit resilience make it a robust choice for off-road applications as well, aligning seamlessly with future emissions regulations.

On-Road - Light, Medium and Heavy Commercial

Application demands

  • Cost competitive, readily available, proven technology.
  • Low fuel consumption.

Why Dinex Double Swirl Inline Mixer

  • Highly adaptable technology proven on cost sensitive on-road applications.
  • Good deposit resistance performance leading to less frequent forced regeneration and in turn, lower fuel consumption.

Off-Road - Construction & Agriculture

Application demands

  • Modularity to fit a range of applications and installations.
  • High NH3 distribution to ensure compatibility for emission norms beyond Stage V.
  • Good deposit resilience to ensure robust performance in wide range of operating conditions.

Why Dinex Double Swirl Inline Mixer

  • Validated for both vertical and horizontal installation and for range of different diameters.
  • Proven to have achieved very high NH3 uniformities.

Special applications - Stationary

Application demands

  • Efficient operation.
  • Low cost of ownership.

Why Dinex Double Swirl Inline Mixer

  • The design elements of the mixer makes it possible to tailor to specific needs, ensuring that pressure drop isn’t unnecessarily high.
  • Near ideal NH3 distribution and good deposit resistance ensures efficient utilization of injected AdBlue®.

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